Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let's Begin!


This is my first post on the new blog :)  I thought I would begin by introducing myself...  My name is Kayla and I have decided to make some big changes in my life.  I was never a skinny girl and I don't plan on becoming one.  What I DO want is to strengthen my body and have a more toned, lean physique.  I started my journey in September when I decided enough was enough.  I didnt want to have to find an outfit that looked good, I wanted to throw on a pair of jeans and a T-Shirt and run out the door without giving it any more thought.  So, my plan of action?  I cut gluten and sugar out of my diet entirely.  At first it was incredibly challenging!  I was grouchy and hungry all the time and all I wanted to do was hook myself up to a sugar IV drip and let the sugar high wash away the cravings.  I did not give in and it DID get better.  It took me about 5 days to detox and get the sugar out of my system and then I noticed some MAJOR changes in my mood and body.  It was like someone flipped a switch, I had all of this energy that I hadn't had before and I never felt bloated or uncomfortable anymore.  I loved it!  I was hitting the gym several times a week and the pounds were coming off.  It was wonderful and I had lost 25 lbs all by myself!  I was very proud :)

Then the lull hit...

All of the sudden those dietary changes and workouts weren't cutting it!  I wasn't losing anymore weight!  The stress of exams had actually caused me to put on some weight.  I wasn't feeling so happy anymore so I reached out to a friend and she suggested I train with her personal trainer.  I was skeptical at first to be honest.  I felt like there was no hope for me. 

*Weight and body image has been a big issue for me for most of my life.  If anyone is interested in hearing more about overcoming body image issues just comment below and I will go into more detail* 

Nonetheless, I took her up on her suggestion and made an appointment to see a personal trainer.  That is the day my life truly changed.  He told me that my goals were ATTAINABLE!  I could become a physically strong woman with a feminine physique.  I was not too far gone...

We picked a day, December 21, 2011 and started working out!  I was beyond nervous for my first workout.  I was worried about what to wear, would I sweat to much, would people look at me weird for being in the "guys section" of the gym?  I had all of these insecurities floating around in my head but I told them all to take a hike because nothing was going to stop me from achieving my goals!  With 5 minutes to go until the end of my first workout, I started feeling "off" and had to end it early.  I had pushed myself so hard and did not have enough food in my system so I ended up getting sick.  It was an incredibly embarrassing moment (actually 25 minutes) but I have now figured out when I need to eat my meals so I am fuelled up and ready to work out!

*More on meals in a later post*

It took me FIVE days to recover from that first workout but I wouldn't have changed a thing!  Even the barfing...  It showed me that a little sweat and a little barf won't kill me.  It's not "gross", it shows I worked my ASS off and pushed myself to the limit!  Since then I have had 4 more sessions with my trainer (I am excluding names until I get permission to use names) and I feel fantastic!

I have lost 14 lbs since Dec 21, bringing my total to 32 lbs lost since September!

I am so excited about this journey and have met some wonderful people so far that I know will be with me every step of the way. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and I will talk to you all very soon!

~ K

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