Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Importance of Setting SMART Goals!

Setting goals for yourself is very important and can really help you achieve your “end goal”.  If you say “I want to lose 50 pounds” but don’t set any goals in between, you put yourself at risk for a very long, unfulfilling journey.  That’s not to say you won’t achieve your goal, you absolutely can!  But setting smaller goals in between really helps to keep you motivated and on point!  Now, there is a method to the madness of goal setting… you can’t just say “I’m going to lose a lot of weight and gain a lot of muscle”.  You have to be more specific!  That is where the SMART system comes in.  

*Note: There are many variations of S.M.A.R.T., this is just what I have chosen to use!






Specific Goals – your goal needs to include things like what you want to accomplish, what are the requirements and constraints, what are the specific reasons for this goal… etc.

Specific Example: “I want to lose X lbs of fat and gain X lbs of muscle and I plan to do so by joining World Gym and working out 3 days a week”

Measurable Goals – your goal needs to be measurable.  This can be measured in pounds, inches, days, weeks, months, hours… etc. 

Measurable Example: “I want to lose 5 pounds in one month”

Attainable Goals – make sure that your goal is reasonable.  If you said you wanted to lose 100lbs in 3 months, or prepare for a big show in 2 weeks, or something like that, you are not as likely to succeed.  It might be better to start with smaller goals; this will also keep you from feeling like the end is nowhere in sight.  Losing a large amount of weight is a daunting task, so breaking it up into smaller goals makes it more manageable! 

Attainable Goal Example: “I want to lose approximately 2 lbs a week until I reach my end goal” *Note: weight loss isn’t always that simple, some weeks you will go up, some weeks you will stay the same.  This is JUST an example.

Realistic Goals – make sure your goal is realistic… you wouldn’t expect someone to finish med school in a month, so don’t expect yourself to move mountains in the blink of an eye.  That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have high expectations because you absolutely should!  Pushing yourself and seeing what you are really made of can help you achieve your goals!  If your end goal is to lose 100 lbs make sure that the goals you set for yourself look something like this…

Realistic Goal Example: “I want to lose 100 lbs in one year and I will do so by losing approximately 8 pounds per month.”

That doesn’t sound so daunting, does it?! 

Timely Goals – make sure you have a timeline!  If your goal is just to get in shape… eventually.  There is nothing to push you to get to the gym RIGHT NOW!  You might feel like you can do it tomorrow, because there is no deadline.  So make sure you are specific about WHEN this goal needs to be accomplished by!

Timely Goal Example: “I will accomplish my end goal within one year and I will do that by achieving my “along the way” goals every month!”

Goals are so important and you can achieve every single goal you set out to accomplish if you make SMART Goals!  I know that when I first decided to get in shape I only thought of the end goal and it seemed SO far away.  So far that I wondered if I'd EVER get there.  So I decided to make smaller goals, ones that I could achieve in less time and they would help push me along.  Who wouldn't want to celebrate their way to a better body?!  Make the seemingly IMPOSSIBLE.... POSSIBLE!

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